What is copywriting? 5 tips for successful copywriting

When we talk about copywriting, it is important to remember that there is no single definition. There are as many definitions, concepts, and specialities as there are copywriters in this field. 

Before we give you tips for writing in the digital environment, it is interesting to define what copywriting is and what it is used for.

¿ What is copywriting?

The origin of this profession is writing. Writing is an ancient art whose principle is the graphic representation of a language and which, in its essence, has various functions, such as interpersonal communication. In this article, we will focus on the purposes of writing in the world of digital marketing: in marketing, the main goal of writing is to make a product, service or idea known to a target audience in a simple and concise way.

In this sense, the purpose of writing in marketing is related to that of copywriting.

If you google “definition of copywriting” you will find hundreds of references, writings, and reflections on the subject. Today we will limit ourselves to the following sentences: 

Copywriting is the writing of advertising copy and other promotional materials (such as headlines, sales letters, videos, direct mail, brochures, and websites) to promote a product, company, person, or idea. The copywriter carefully selects these words, edits them, weaves them together and builds them up in such a way that prompt the reader to take a particular action. “Copywriting is craftsmanship and verbal joinery on paper. And one more thing: it is the art of selling” (www.copywriting.com). 

So, what does a copywriter do? What is the difference between a copywriter and an editor?

A copywriter is the person responsible for writing the texts that accompany an advertising campaign in the – usually digital – media. The copywriter is therefore an important professional in digital marketing and in the world of content. Unlike an editor, a copywriter’s tasks are geared towards achieving a goal: Converting visitors into sales or sign-ups.

The main difference between a copywriter and an editor can therefore be summarised as follows: A copywriter’s goal is to convert content, while an editor’s goal is to inform or entertain, with no thought of conversion to sales. 

Moreover, a copywriter writes texts to evoke a reaction from the reader. Here we come back to the question of writing and its purposes, but transferred to the digital world we would say that:

The copywriter is the professional responsible for the sentence that makes you click, buy, or not buy a new product, subscribe to a newsletter, or discover a community that might be of interest to you.

How much does a copywriter cost?

As with any professional service, it’s difficult to answer this question simply. There is no set fee for copywriters and therefore no set fee for those who use their services. 

Although there are many factors to consider when setting a budget for services rendered, it is possible to describe how a copywriter can organise their work and set an appropriate budget:

  • Quote per text  

One of the most common forms of copywriting services. The most important thing for both the client and the copywriter is that the text fulfils its function, beyond its length. 

To be honest, the process of copywriting is much more than just writing: When you charge by the word, it’s difficult to budget for research and editing time. Researching a text can take more time than writing it. For this reason, many professionals base their prices on the individual texts.

  • Bugdet per project 

There are cases where it is worthwhile to make a quote with the client for the entire project. For example, when copywriting services are requested for the text of an entire website 

Here it is necessary to consider the number of hours needed for the project and then calculate a price for the time spent. One way is to calculate the total price by minimally adjusting the value of each part if the project is so complex that the calculation can be done this way. 

  • Quote per word

This is the most common form of copywriting services for blogs. In these cases, the client usually requires a minimum number of words, and the time required for a 500-word article is not the same as for a 1000-word article. Therefore, budgeting per word can be an option, although I do not recommend this option because it reduces the writer’s talent to the number of words and not to the time invested in their professional career to be able to write those words effectively. This kind of budgeting also often overlooks research time.

5 Tips for successful copywriting

Let us return to the goals of writing for a moment. Even though we always speak of marketing in this case, we must not forget that we are in the world of words, their communication and understanding, the ability to use them to attract attention and interest, and above all their creativity.

  1. Let’s start with the first tip, the most basic and fundamental tool for assessing good texts: good writing and spelling.  

The copywriter is therefore a professional with knowledge of punctuation, accents, grammar… To write short and convincing texts, a good copywriter uses simple, well-combined words with an appealing tone, and this can only be done with good grammar. Reading a lot is one way to achieve excellence in this field.  

  1.  Say goodbye to complicated words

The copywriter will not have to write a bestseller, or a historical study aimed at great researchers and PhD historians. Therefore, less is more. 

What good is a text with words that, even if they are very beautiful and eye-catching, are not quickly understood by most users? If it is not understood, there will be no conversion.

Good copywriting is directly related to simplicity.

  1. Inspire the customer

Emotions and marketing have gone hand in hand for years. Emotional marketing or neuromarketing is a very powerful tool in the world of copywriting. As with almost any text, without emotion it lacks value and appeal, and if the goal is to sell… Word to the wise.

  1. Tailor Your Copywriting to Your Target Audience

Most storytelling and copywriting projects begin with an analysis of the product or service’s target audience. Many companies do not know who their customers are. So, when we start a new project, the first step is to analyse the target audience to define the tone and voice of the copy. To do this, you need to find out who your audience is and address them in a way that they understand the message you want to convey. You need to study them before you write.

  1. Life is Storytelling

A seductive tool if ever there was one: storytelling. Stories stimulate and generate empathy. Although this is not true in all cases, a product often has an impact because customers identify with the story and values behind it.

For example: who its creators are, the company’s working philosophy, the origin of the product and its goals, curiosities, why not add some humour etc.

Finally, the popular saying “less is more” also finds a perfect application in the field of marketing texts. When writing advertising copy, you should focus on eloquence, appeal, and conversion…Keep it simple!

For example: who its creators are, the company’s work philosophy, the origin of the product and its objectives, curiosities, why not introduce some sense of humour, etc.

Finally, the popular phrase “Less is more” once again has a perfect application in the field of marketing-related writing. In copywriting you shall embrace eloquence, attraction, and conversion…Keep it simple!